jdone README.


Document version.

For jdone version: 0.6.

Source files are at revision: 0006dfebb720.

Package is at release state.

Build date: 2012-09-22.

About jdone.

jdone is a diary and abbr for job which done.

Target audience.

  • Emacs users.
  • Advanced users and developers.

Project goal.

  • Record job you done.
  • Integrate with tools to automatically record events (currently from Emacs and command line).

Personally I was motivated to develop this project by necessity to analyze how I spend time to find bottleneck and to improve my productivity.

Also you can record your activity to make proof for your boss that you was made a lot of work...

You can publish selected region, current line (and optionally kill this line). Also you can integrate jdone with *Log-Edit* buffer to automatically record commit events!

Home page.

Home page.
SourceForge home page.
SourceForge (old look) home page.

License statement.

All files released for free use without any restrictions and warranty.

See LICENSE file.

Versioning rules.

We use major.minor schema. So:

  • major mark backward incompatible changes in storage and back-ends. Upgrade scripts provided.
  • minor mark backward compatible changes. New API, GUI or fallback/backward compatible protocol changes or backward compatible storage format changes.

Code stability.

Storage format under development but seems all changes will be introduced in backward compatible manner.

Changes in Emacs mode for posting can be backward incompatible until feature set stalled. Variable and function names and there semantics are subject of changes.

CGI modules can change look and feel of output.

Changes in config file are backward compatible.

Getting sources (VCS).

To clone repository run:

$ hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/jdone/code jdone-hg

To push to repository you must have write permission and do:

$ hg push ssh://$USER@hg.code.sf.net/p/jdone/code


$ hg clone https://$USER@hg.code.sf.net/p/jdone/code

Browsing sources.

hgweb interface for official repository.
Sourceforge Allure interface for official repository.

Download page.

jdone source releases at SourceForge.

Mail lists/News groups.

If you have any questions, suggestions, find bug, or have patch send email to: <jdone-general@lists.sourceforge.net>

You can subscribe to list or access to list archive at: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jdone-general

Report bug (BTS).

Please send mail with bug reports or suggestions to <jdone-general@lists.sourceforge.net>.


Official jdone project blog at Sourceforge.


Emacs wiki page for jdone.

Software directory.

ohloh home page for jdone
freecode home page for jdone
listened here



How it work.

All message stored in ~/.jdonedb/current file and look like:

date: 2011-11-16 02:35:25+0200
app: hg
 Commit from: /home/user/devel/my-devel/jdone/
 Using jdone.el in Emacs.
date: 2011-11-10 22:23:00+0200

Project provide basic CGI script written in GNU Bash language to publish ~/.jdonedb/current.

Look INSTALL for more info.